Take the brakes off your brand

Speed up the customer journey with marketing automation and content marketing.

Climbing bike colored

The Pon Digital Marketing Lab is here to help Pon brands accelerate

The customer's journey is full of holes and bumps. We make it easy to find, purchase and get the most out of your product. How? In three steps:

Heart transparant 2

1. Understand

...the customer journey

We segment your customers by buying motive. And identify moments that matter and unmet needs during their journey.

DALL·E 2023-10-20 17.15.59 - A very simple and continuous line drawing of a video play window on a white background. The line alternates between the colors black, rgb(2,71,81), rg

2. Engage

...with compelling content

Help your audience find and buy your products or services. How? Educate them along their buying journey with spot-on content.

DALL·E 2023-10-20 17.21.11 - Ultra-simplistic representation of marketing automation with a single continuous line on a white background. The line, transitioning between the color

3. Personalize

... with marketing automation

Make it personal. Use marketing automation to personalize the customer journey. And accelerate the buying process.


DALL·E 2023-10-23 11.41.24 - Line drawing of a simply designed, horizontally stretched lemniscate in a vibrant color, depicted using a single continuous line. The background shoul (1)


  • Customer segmentation
  • Qualitative interviews
  • Identify moments that matter


  • Brand positioning
  • Competitive analysis
  • Brand personality and USPs


  • Content marketing strategy
  • Advertising: SEA, Social paid
  • Website: SEO, CRO and UX

Marketing automation

  • Blueprint your process
  • Data model for measurement
  • Automate key processes



"DML helped us kickstarted our content & SEA strategy"
Fabio Bottelier, Urban Arrow



Challenge us!

Do you also want to stand on the peddles and speed up your marketing results? Book a meeting to discuss your case!